Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How to Make a 3D Logo in Photoshop

Create a new image, setting the width and height to 300 with a background color of #3d3d3d. Rename the only layer we currently have a "bottom".

Select the Custom Shape Tool.

From the tool bar at the top of the page I have chosen the checkbox for this demonstration.

Draw the checkbox. Go to the Main Menu and select Filter > Stylize > Emboss. Apply the following settings.

Angle: 135
Height: 5
Amount: 75%

Put your shape in the center of the document. Your image should look like mine.

Make sure the checkbox layer is the selected layer. Press and hold the Ctrl & Alt buttons and press the up arrow key about 12 times to create the 3D effect.

Select all the checkbox layers that you just created and use the Ctrl E keys to make them into one layer. You should now have two layers.

The next step is to add color to your logo. Notice that I have also added a Drop Shadow.

Add a layer below the checkbox layer and choose a color for your background. I have chosen white. Make the other background color invisible. Below is the finished product.

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