To start name your chart by right clicking on the chart, click properties and enter a descriptive name. My chart is named CarriersChart.
In the Drop data fields portion of the chart, I have Total Carriers.
By right Clicking Total Carriers, going to properties, clicking on the Point Labels tab, I can put the following code in the Data Label as an expression. This code will call the GetLabel function in the Report Properties.
=Code.GetLabel(Sum(Fields!TotalCarriers.Value), Sum(Fields!TotalCarriers.Value,"CarriersChart"))
Next, click on Report, Report Properties, and then the Code tab. Use the following code to only label percentages above 5 percent.
Public Function GetLabel(ByVal CarriersChart As Double, ByVal totalcarriers As Double) As String
If CarriersChart / totalcarriers <>
Return ""
Return Format(CarriersChart / totalcarriers, "P1")
End If
End Function
Note that the percentage under 5 percent is not labeled.
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